Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities

Domain 4 is really about the much deeper level of teaching and being a professional. The components expect a teacher to further develop their teaching knowledge and skills and to be very self-directed in your learning.

** Reflecting on teaching: This is a very developmental process. Beginning teachers will start to reflect on the lesson parts, how students answered questions and participated, how the students did in an activity, etc. As teachers develop, they begin to reflect on the TYPES of questions they are including in their lessons for students to promote higher level thinking, various instructional strategies they used and their effectiveness, and how they used assessment during or at the end of the lesson to measure student learning.

** Maintaining accurate records: Teachers should maintain instructional records and students should be a part of that maintenance--- it should NEVER be a surprise to any student how they are progressing in their learning.

** Communicating with Families: Communication with families should be timely, often and engaging. Families have many questions about how their child is doing, and for the most part are a partner with the teacher in the child's learning.

** Participating in a Professional Learning Community: The teacher is dedicated to being collaborative and being an active participant in the learning community and working with the team. The teacher is involved in district events and projects and develops into a leader in their school.

** Growing and Developing Professionally: The teacher actively pursues professional development to improve their teaching and student learning. This could mean attending a conference, but more so, self-directed growth, such as reading, webinars, discussions, and seeking feedback from colleagues and principals, for their improvement.

** Demonstrating Professionalism: The teacher demonstrates ethical behavior and integrity. The teacher does not get involved in gossip in the faculty lounge, make comments about school and other teachers to others or people in the community, or post their dissatisfaction with their school, teachers, etc. on Facebook!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Domain 3 Instruction

The Danielson Framework Domain 3 is focusing on instruction and what you do in the classroom is evidence of this domain.

** Expectations for learning, directions, procedures and instruction on content are clear to students.

** Questions that you use as a teacher reflect high expectations and are culturally and developmentally appropriate.Keep a tally of the types of questions that you use in your classroom and see if you are varying your questions.

** Students are engaged throughout the lesson and making contributions during activities, with groups and with the learning materials.The structure of the lesson and pacing allows for students to reflect and have closure to the lesson.

** Assessment is well-developed and students are involved in the development of the learning criteria, self-assessment and monitoring of their own progress. The teacher provides quality feedback to students on their learning.

** Teachers are able to enhance learning or build on student interests in order to promote learning. They are also able to use an extensive repertoire of instructional strategies.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Managing Student Behavior Domain 2

In order for students to be able engage with content, the classroom environment must be orderly and supportive. Standards are clear to students, students feel respected. Expectations for student conduct have been established and are implemented. Teachers know what is happening in the classroom and subtly move to help students and re-engage them in the lesson. Monitoring of student behavior is preventative and when the teacher responds to student conduct, it is with respect that the behavior is addressed.

1. Create an environment of respect and rapport: The teacher interactions and student interactions are appropriate.

2. Establish a culture for learning: Expectations for student learning are clear, the importance of the content is made clear for students, and quality work is expected.

3. Managing classroom procedures: The teacher manages a variety of instructional groups, transitions are smooth and seamless, materials and supplies are available, and the teacher appropriately supervises volunteers and paraprofessionals that might be in the classroom.

4. Managing student behavior: Again expectations are clear for student behavior, behavior is monitored and preventative and the teacher responds to student misbehavior immediately and appropriately. Successful teachers practice routines and procedures at the beginning of the school year intentionally so that students know the expectations and it becomes the expectation.

5. Organizing physical space: The room is arranged to promote engagement of students.